Thursday, January 28, 2010

Homeward Bound 1

In roughly 2 hours (depending on when Landon gets off work, we eat and get the car ready) I leave for HOME via Aunt Rita's and PA.

It is strange...going home to Mom and Dad's is a nice 8 hour road trip. Never saw that coming. But living so far away is giving me a strange and happily happy view point on family and family relationships. It is a little strange that this is sinking in now. A year in Honduras should have triggered some of it, I suppose, and in a way it did. But now I am in control of my own time and schedule and direction, and it is kind of nice to be setting my sights on VA. Appreciating home is normal for anyone with a good relationship with their parents and sibs, I think. But it is different when you need to really work, plan, and save money (er....spend money) to make it happen.

Yay, home.

And yay Landon for making it happen. He needed to use up some vacation time up from work and asked me if I wanted to go home for John's Birthday. Um....YES!! Happy.

Ok. I'm leaving in about 1 hour and 50 minutes. Depending.

And thank you Why have I not gotten the new One Republic CD yet?? Oh yeah. I don't spend money. Boo.

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