Thank goodness for
family and friends!
Landon’s mom and stepdad, his cousin Marg, and her husband
& son all came. Then, my parent and brother and sister came from Virginia
to help!! We worked hard, but had so much fun!!! My mom brought be our first
home-warming gift….a big planter in our wedding colors. :)
When everyone arrived, we got right to work.
Matt and Keith worked on removing the half walls in the dining room, and then the strange built in wall that divided the living room and entry way. I was hesitant to remove them. I loooove built ins, and hated the idea of removing some that were already there. was a great move. It ovens up the space, making the room seem lighter and bigger.
G-Man was a huge help making sure everyone stayed hydrated. Stephan was a hug help sanding the bedrooms pretty much the whole day! Marg sweeped all the sawdust and sanded edges.
My dad worked on removing two flower boxes on either side of the garage doors. They were continuing to the moister issues we had in the cellar.
Matt spent a lot of time up on the roof, cleaning out gutters that may have never been cleaned before. How much does he look like John in this pic??
It was a double-fisting XS kind of day. Theresa did all kinds of spray paint all the registers a snazzy textured silver.
Saturday Night - surveying our progress. This house is going to be so awesome!! This is the only pick we got of the whole fam....
I guess we'll need to get together again!

I have the best family!!! Sunday they stayed past midnight to get everything done!
I love them. And they love me, too. :)